Thursday, May 29, 2008

QuAcK LiKe A DuCk

We are a species of disillusionment. We see only what we want, believe only what we want, and wallow in deception and lies when need be. Why does the truth hurt so much? Why do we not want to face the cold reality of what life dishes out?

The relationships with our friends and loved ones are what contribute to our personalities and self esteem. We place relevance on them. We treasure them. We hold them deep in the confines of our hearts, letting them comfort and dictate the direction of our lives. When someone we value smiles at us, we feel thankful to know them—to have that person in our lives, because as we all know, the smile from the one that we love is what lifts our hearts and feeds our egos. We believe every word from those we love. We never doubt their validity nor do we feel worried that they will betray us. The twinkling eyes and spoken words of truth from our friends make us believe that we are loved and special; yet are they being genuine?

When the truth hits you between the eyes and you refuse to accept things for what they are, then you are only hurting yourself. Sometimes, turning away from the truth about our loved ones is the only way we can cope, but in the longrun we still end up getting hurt. I say, the more it quacks, and the more it waddles, makes for a fat duck.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

QuaLity (PoLiCe) gEaR

I was searching web for some proof gear, when I found rifle slings site. I work as a chopper in the woods so I need some very good gloves and pants, that will not tear in the first moment in forest. Fortunately I found them in this store. I think prices are low for this kind of quality. If you are interested in guns and other police gear, you must visit this site as soon as possible!!

Thank you to my sponsor Police Gear

Heaven or Hell?!

What do you understand, when I say Heaven? Maybe, place where good guys live and beautiful womens wait for you? Ladys, do you see your prince on a white horse riding towards you?! Yes I am sure, this are heaven!!! But Im still confused… We know, that good things are more likely to remember, but the question is What if I go to Hell?? Do I need sun cream? If it is so hot, are ladys/boys naked there?? Thatˇs not bad J!!! How to make a decision where to go??

And one more thing come to my ears during writting this post.. so called religion. Not so long time ago, if you were rich, you could live fuck-sy life, then you gave priest some cash and everything was OK!! What was »wrong« with people to believe something like that??

In my openion, its so weird that nobody remembers something like that in capitalism except priests. They have discovered this opportunity to make money long time ago.

But now I have one idea: Ok, tell (send) me your sins and Im going to forgive you!! Yes it is true, if you tell somebody that you did something wrong in the past, your conscious is going to fly like a bird in the sky, again.

And here is my proposition: Everybody (including you!!) who have read this post, leave your sins in my comments area, and feel the power for other sins again!!

P.S. Today you can do it for free, you never know what will be tomorrow…

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Hello World, I opened my eyes finally:-)!!

During my searching, through thousands of hits in my search engine, I fortunately found site, about being paid to post about everything. I said cool, I will give it a try. I have nothing to loose, and everything to gain:-)! I signed in and found the opportunity to make some $$$ for my first post on my blog about PayPerPost. Although I come from Slovenia and my English grammar is not excellent, I found a way, to express my thoughts and practice my English as well. These two things are still the most important reasons to follow the rules:-) and make some good posts about my life and other things that sourround me every day of my life. I know I will not make thousands of dollars. Im happy that I found new friends all over the world, and chat with them, especially Dicky Hardy. This summer Im going to Road Trip and you never know, where we will see each other or maybe have some drinks. PayPerPost is really good "agency" to make friends (without them life have no sense) and some money (to take friends on drink:-))!

P.S. Although I was searching this sign all the time, I still dont know how to write the I?m thing?? " with just one line?? I will take all comments that repair my grammar as friendly and good purposes, so go ahead:-)!!

blog advertising

Sunday, May 18, 2008

My VaCaTiOn In Uk

Some moments from my vacation in UK...

History of the Market Hall:

The Market Hall is a refurbished victorian building opened by Queen Elizabeth II on December 1st 1988. It is home to many small independent stalls. There are several butchers and fruiterer, as well as clothing, hardware and pet shops. You will also find a bakery, several gift shops, and a few places to eat. The roof structure is refurbished but retains its original design and shape. Ahead leads to the Market Place. It was originally built by Charles Tomkinson in the early 1800's. From my point of view, big Market Hall for huge (smart) purchases!

Friday, May 16, 2008

MaKe MoNeY oNliNe

Ok! I will write this down in two languages:

I found website, that pays you just to be on the net. You have to set your homepage to the following link and you earn 0,25$ per hour. You can use your usually browser, once the homepage was loaded. I say 30 bucks/month its better than 0$,right??
While I was writing this script, I have earned 0,25$. Bloggers sign in and make money while writing posts..

Pozdravljeni vsi! Našel sem stran, ki plača vsem uporabnikom interneta 0,25$ na uro. Plačano dobite še za različne vrste izpolnjevanja anket, vendar se s tem nisem ukvarjal. Potrdim lahko, da izplačujejo denar! Zakaj ne bi dobili 30$ na mesec (lahko tudi več, preberite na njihovi strani) za uporabo interneta, saj vas nič ne stane.. Vse kar morate narediti je, da se vpišete v spodnjem linku in nastavite home page na njihovo stran. (Se pravi, ko zaženete IE, FF se naloži njihova stran, nato pa lahko odsurfate kamor koli naprej, plačano je dokler ste na internetu).
Naredite si PayPal account kamor se zbira vaš denar, pri tem vam ni potrebno napisati nobenih številk TRR). Torej, ko sem pisal ta članek, sem zaslužil 0,25$, saj sem bil med tem časom na internetu - blogerji vabljeni!!

LogIn button is on the bottom of the site (LogIn to check your stats).
Gumb za prijavo je na dnu strani (LogIN to check your stats).

Sunday, May 11, 2008

How do we know - Nun in pension??

Today, during the diner, I was watching Tv show in our national Tv. They were talking about going to pension and other stuff for older popularity. I almost ate all diner, when nun called to the studio. Leader of the show, asked her, what does it mean if the NUN GOES IN PENSION???? Ok I said, thats a very interesting question. I asked myself, if we "normal people" go to pension, that means, that we stop working in our full time job, right? But what does it change for nuns? Do they stop to pray for the almighty lord - god?? Who crops the roses?.. and what do they live for, if they are in pension?? I still havent found the answer, did you??

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Question - PhYsiCs - fuNnY?

Do you have a new physics joke, a fresh form of physics wit, or an example of unexpected humour that gets you thinking?

Q: Why won't Heisenberg's operators live in the suburbs?
A: They don't commute.
Q: What do you get if you cross a pig with a rat?
A: Pig rat sine theta.
So this neutron walks into a bar, orders a pint of lager and begins to open his wallet when the barman says, "For you, no charge!".

These jokes may make you laugh, grimace or groan - but they may also inspire you to wonder about the raw material for humour in physics, which may not be obvious at first glance. Where are the wordplays, repressed desires and bodily functions that normally propel jokes? The sex, aggression and death?


Monday, May 5, 2008

eNgLisH CuiSiNe

I know that in some parts of the world, frog legs are considered a delicacy but I am not THAT adventurous. Lucky for me (and people like me), toad in the hole has nothing to do with this particular animal.

In fact, it is a traditional dish prepared for breakfast in the UK. Toad in the hole is a very hearty breakfast dish comprised of sausages placed in Yorkshire pudding batter and served with gravy and eggs. Nothing to do with toads at all, right?

I have been trying to find a good and easy toad in the hole recipe to follow. There is no lack for recipes for this dish on the Internet, trust me. They are all over the place! This one is supposed to date back to the 1930s! If you are not in the UK, though, I don’t know if the particular brand of sausages will be available:-p.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Ok, I woke up one day and my heart go wild. I felt that there must be a reason. I remember times when I was young and stupid:-p. In our city there was a Casino called Lion. And I said, lets give it a try. First time when I was there,.. all these lights, so many people, paradise to earn money, I thought. But I was so broke that I could not afford losing any money. So It was there, American Roulette, my baby. My eyes were so happy, because I recognized, I could make money with no effort. I will show you how my story started...