Thursday, May 8, 2008

Question - PhYsiCs - fuNnY?

Do you have a new physics joke, a fresh form of physics wit, or an example of unexpected humour that gets you thinking?

Q: Why won't Heisenberg's operators live in the suburbs?
A: They don't commute.
Q: What do you get if you cross a pig with a rat?
A: Pig rat sine theta.
So this neutron walks into a bar, orders a pint of lager and begins to open his wallet when the barman says, "For you, no charge!".

These jokes may make you laugh, grimace or groan - but they may also inspire you to wonder about the raw material for humour in physics, which may not be obvious at first glance. Where are the wordplays, repressed desires and bodily functions that normally propel jokes? The sex, aggression and death?


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