Now let's getting started with my strategy. You simply chose between Red and Black and bet a small amount of 1€ in every round. Let's assume you place a bet on red. The wheel spins and red wins. Congratulations! You win the bet and double your bet amount of 1€.
Red wins: You get 4€. This is double the bet amount of 2€. In the first round you have placed 1$, in the second round 2€. Adding these amounts you have placed 3€ on red. Due to the fact that you won the second round, you made a net profit of 4€-3€=1€.
What can you learn from this? You made a correct decision and doubled the bet amount in the second round which protects you from making any losses at all. Hence follows that you always win your betting amount of 1€ even if you lost the round before.
Black wins: You have lost two times in a row. Accordingly to the roulette strategy described above you double the bet amount another time and place 4€ on red.
Let's assume now red wins, therefore you get double the amount of 4€, which means that you win 8€. To get this money you did the following investments: 1€(1. Round) + 2€(2. Round) + 4€(3. Round), which add up to 1€+2€+4€=7€. Your net profit is 8€-7€=1€, the same as above. As you can see, applying this strategy you always win 1€ no matter how often you lost. If you lose the bet in the third round again, you raise your bet to 8€ and so on. If you want, you can calculate the results of a forth of fifth round, but it becomes a bit complicated. The result is always the same. You win 1€.
Rule: You Always Win Double Your Bet Amount Whether You Have Lost Before Or Not
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Roulette- my baby
Avtor Ez proti 9:16 PM 0 komentarji
Saturday, April 26, 2008
EnGliSh AcCenTs
A website I found today compares how people from many different regions and countries pronounce English words. It also gives the pronunciation of equivalent words in related languages, and in older forms of English and other Germanic languages. There are recordings of many of the modern words as well.
Avtor Ez proti 4:43 PM 0 komentarji
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Benutzen - what the word
benutzen/benützen, verb = to consult, to make use of, to take advantage of
Example of usage: etwas als Vorwand benutzen = to use something as an excuse
Related words:
benutzbar = usable, passable (road)
Benutzer = user, borrower
benutzung= use
Benutzungsgebühr = charge, hire charge
This word caught my eye today while I was editing a German version of a website. It’s perhaps more nützlich (useful) than other useless words:-p.
Avtor Ez proti 9:59 PM 0 komentarji
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
White Shark
Did you look Jaws? Ok if u did, its better for you not to read this article:-P!
The great white shark is a streamlined swimmer and a ferocious predator with 3,000 teeth at any one time. This much-feared fish has a torpedo-shaped body, a pointed snout, a crescent-shaped tail, 5 gill slits, no fin spines, an anal fin, and 3 main fins: the dorsal fin (on its back) and 2 pectoral fins (on its sides). When the shark is near the surface, the dorsal fin and part of the tail are visible above the water. ARgggg said captain shark:-p!
Great whites average 12-16 feet long (3.7-4.9 m) long. The biggest great white shark on record was 23 feet (7 m) long, weighing about 7,000 pounds (3200 kg). Females are larger than males, as with most sharks. Shark pups can be over 5 feet (1.5 m) long at birth.
Avtor Ez proti 10:07 PM 1 komentarji
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Today I was in Maribor in a firm Vinag. They produce one of the best wine I have ever tasted. When I drank a half of the bottle I realised how special this wine is... Then I asked, what is this thing that make my brains so happy:-p. Vine-grover said:
To make icewine, you must wait until the grapes have frozen naturally on the vines—typically, you look for two solid days of temperatures in the range of 9°F (–13°C) to 14°F (–10°C). This implies a very late harvest, of course, which in turn means that the grapes will have a very high sugar content. Grapes are picked by hand (sometimes in the middle of the night to ensure that the temperature does not rise above freezing) and pressed while still frozen. This is the crucial step, because when frozen grapes are pressed, most of the water remains behind as ice crystals, and the juice obtained—just a drop or two per grape—is highly concentrated. (In fact, the colder the grapes, the higher the percentage of sugar in the juice, and this is exactly what you want for icewine—a minimum of 35% sugar.) This juice is then fermented naturally over a period of weeks or months and bottled more or less like regular wine. But because production is so labor-intensive, with yields around 10% of a regular harvest, icewine is sold in half bottles (375ml) at prices averaging about US$38 (CDN$50) per bottle.
Avtor Ez proti 2:21 PM 0 komentarji
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Buy or Not To Buy A CeLL PhoNe??
It was a question of time ..... Buy or Not To Buy A CeLL PhoNe??
So, you're going to be one of them, huh? Well, it was just a matter of time. We're warning you, once you get a cell phone, there's no turning back. Fine, we'll help you find the perfect cellular phone, but we're going to be rolling our eyes with the rest of the people you encounter on the street and at stoplights. And if you use it in a movie or restaurant, we are legally obliged to hurt you.
Wait one sec… we got a call… OK, we're back.
Avtor Ez proti 6:32 PM 0 komentarji
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
DoG - My BeSt FriEnD
Chat to any dog lover and they'll sing the praises of these amazing animals. Completely devoted to their master, they ask so little and yet offer so much. I could write pages about the strengths of the humble canine, I could advise why so many people prefer the companionship of a dog rather than another member of the human race or how a pet can replace a deceased loved one. But I'm not going to, instead my story is about one very special dog, my dog, Bear.
He's now fourteen years old. He is, and has been, the best dog in the World. He's my best friend and has been my constant companion and I pray that we've given him as much love and affection as he has so willingly given to us.
Avtor Ez proti 10:46 AM 0 komentarji
Monday, April 14, 2008
WhAt AbOuT BoB?
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie the first time I saw it, laughing most of the way. By the second look, Bill Murray's deliberately obnoxious-pushy character now started driving me crazy, too. No longer was it just Richard Dreyfuss being tormented. By the third viewing, I'd had enough.
Murray, "Bob," is so annoying, so irritating, that you either laugh or want to kill this guy yourself as he hounds his psychiatrist all over the place. Kudos to Dreyfuss to put up with, even if it's just acting. Murray certainly did his job well in this film. He was the perfect actor to play "Bob."
Highly recommended for one but beware "Bob" may drive you nuts, too.
Avtor Ez proti 4:42 PM 0 komentarji
Thursday, April 10, 2008
GoOgLe's "I'm FeEling LuCky" ButToN
Time and time again, people ask the obvious question about Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" button. I asked myself, "With the removal of humorous "Ads by Gooooogle" and the era of personalized search (iGoogle) is the removal of the "I'm feeling lucky" button eminent?"
In reality, I don't think many people use that button nor do they see a point to it. (I'd love for Google to post their statistics on its usage!). Judging by the comments on the internet, some people have never even tried it. It's sticking for branding purposes, though I think the term "Google" suffices as a brand and is pretty sustainable in and of itself.
Avtor Ez proti 11:01 PM 0 komentarji